Undercounter Commercial Fridge

Undercounter Commercial Freezers

Automatic Defrost
No busy business wants to deal with the repercussions of a major frost buildup in their freezer or cooler cooling mechanism. However, that is very much a risk businesses take with standard freezing and cooling units. Over time, frost will accumulate and your undercounter freezer will be increasingly less efficient and less reliable, costing you both time and money. However, with a prefabricated undercounter freezer from Maxcool, you can select a unit with automatic defrost. Units with this feature will automatically heat the cooling unit periodically so that no frost forms, keeping your commercial counter freezer working perfectly for years to come.
Ventilated Cooling
When talking about under counter fridges or undercounter freezers, there are three types of cooling you might encounter: direct, fan-assisted, and ventilated cooling. However, when it comes to professional-grade, commercial undercounter freezers or fridges, you want to see ventilated cooling. Studies have shown that this is the best approach to consistent temperatures and long unit lifespans.
Adjustable Legs
We want to make even our prefabricated gastronorm counters fit exactly to your space!
Removable Table Tops
Maximize your prep space by having convertible spaces on your commercial gastronorm counter.
Digital Displays
We offer a range of gastronorm counters with the highest quality in digital displays so that all of the information you need is crystal clear.